A Young Widow's Story
"Touching and hopeful"
"Permission to grieve as we want"
"A gift for conveying emotionally-charged subject matter"
"I encourage you to share this book"
"Touching and hopeful" ~ "Permission to grieve as we want" ~ "A gift for conveying emotionally-charged subject matter" ~ "I encourage you to share this book" ~
A Kindness I Will Never Forget
The story of a young woman with a 2-year-old and a newborn, who suddenly becomes widowed at age 33
Lisa Ramelow explains the shock of coming home and finding her husband collapsed on her kitchen floor, of trying to save him, and of the futility of explaining his death to her young son. She details how she navigated her way from deep sorrow and shock, to once again beginning to live life with joy and celebration.
Lisa remembers all of the small acts of kindness shown to her along the way; and how they lifted her up and inspired her to keep going, and to try to find a new way of living for herself and for her children. She discovers just how much determination she has within to survive her tragedy, and to find a way to move forward in the way her husband would have wanted.
Ebook ✧ Hardback ✧ Paperback ✧ Audio
2021 ✧ 168 pages
ISBN (paperback): 979-8985380002
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Praise from readers
“As a grief group facilitator, I was interested in how the author would tell her story of losing her husband suddenly … The author's honesty is refreshing, and gives us permission to grieve - when the time comes - as we want, not how someone tells us we should.”
— Katherine Larson, Amazon
“The author is a wonderful storyteller. Although grief is a central theme and is a heavy one, I came away from it feeling uplifted (and also shed buckets of tears along the way). I appreciate the honesty she uses sharing the kaleidoscope of emotions and complicated family interactions that she encountered in the wake of her husband’s sudden death.”
— Autumn Nazarian, Amazon
“If you know anyone that has experienced loss, I encourage you to share this book with them. And I think it shows great examples of all the ways you can extend help to people who are grieving or experiencing other loss.”
— Vicki Fisher, Amazon