Letting Go … to Make Space for Something New

Did you ever read the Marie Kondo book? About tidying?

I read it years ago when it came out. I’ve written about it before, but its many lessons continue to resonate with me.


I am updating many things in my 98-year-old house (built in 1926). Lots of structural things, and wiring and plumbing.

But then I started looking more closely at other things I’ve had for so long, I don’t really “see” clearly anymore.

I think I’ve had my dining room table for more than 20 years. I actually did a lot of work and writing at that table - I could spread out lots of papers on it, and it was a comfortable place. But it was so worn out.

I picked out something new. It’s really different for me, and I’m sort of going in a new direction.

So my old table was easy to get rid of – I gave it to my niece.

But next came the hard part: this buffet/console thing I have is too big and now sort of in the way of my new table and chairs. And it doesn’t really match.

But, sigh, I don’t know, I wasn’t sure. So why was it hard for me to get rid of?

Because my Mom bought it for me.

She loved antiques and knew I would love the little heart carved out at the top (and I did). I’ve had it for probably 30 years.

But it needed to go.

The buffet in its new home

I finally put it on Facebook marketplace.

Someone reached out, also named Lisa, and said she wanted to come see it. She had just built a small cabin and thought it would be perfect in her bedroom. She came over and instantly fell in love with it.

The next day she brought her truck and her two able-bodied-sons to help lift it. She was beaming. And I loved that it was making her so happy.


Marie Kondo asks you to only hold onto things that bring you joy. She says, “To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose.”

And…. she points out, these items can now go on to bring joy to others.


Lisa W. sent me a picture the next day of how the furniture looked in her bedroom.

She loves it. It is now bringing joy to a brand-new person.

My Mom would like that.

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Lisa Ramelow

I am a writer from the heart. I observe what I see around me, and describe what is happening, interwoven with my own personal experiences.

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